Broth「Stock =スープ」〈料理英語〉 小山ケイの翻訳コーパスから179

⚫︎Broth「Stock =スープ」〈料理英語〉 小山ケイの翻訳コーパスから179




⚫︎How to make ‘NI-ZAKANA” (Cooked fish with Japanese broth)

1 Prepair a cup of water, a sliced and minced ginger. 100cc of soy source, SAKE. and MILIN rice syrop, and two spoons of sugar.

2 Stir 1 and boil it,

3 Put KALEI fish or BURI yellow tail into well-boiled 2.

4 Leave 3 about 4 minutes with an OTOSHI-BUTA lid in order to soak the broth into the fish,

5 Turn over the fish in the pan.

6 Again leave it about 3 minutes with the lid,

7 Plate the fish with the boiled ginger and broth. SUDACHI Japanese lime-like citrus also gives fresh accent to the strong flavor cuisine, Bon appetit!



