⚫︎What Japanese are doing in TOSHINOSE「年の瀬」

If you ask Google to translate TOSHINOSE in English, he/she replays “It’s ‘End of the year.”
No (lol).
TOSHINOSE「年の瀬」is more like caotic flow of time as rivers are dynamically changing their directions and even flowing powers.
TOSHI年 means “year” and “SE瀬” means water-related movement like the flow of rivers. If you are studying Japanese or Chinese, you notice the character has water part called “Sanzui.”
Otherwise, “The end of the year” may iimply just 30th and 31st of Dec, I think.
Japanese TOSHINOSE would express even the busy atmosphere of this month, calling other acient naming of the equivalent English month in Japanese, SHIWASU 師走: literally meaning “Even SENSEIs (teachers/memtors/Gurus/monks) busily run in this month.”
⭐️Preparhng OSECHI Japanese formal food deserved for the God of the next year, TOSHIGAMI-sama
⭐️Ballancing bills
⭐️Grand tiding up sparking joy like Kon-Mari, not only in household scale but also religiouslly in your mind and spirit in temples and shrines
⭐️Exercise staying calm in the very last moment of the year although a paqt of Japanese young kids love to hustle in cities and towns like Shibuya
⚫︎Pronunciation of “TOSHINOSE”

1 To 2 SHI-NO
3 SE (with Highest pitch)